Health tourism as one of the oldest forms of tourism in our areas, based on physical and mental health care with the help of natural factors to improve health status as well as health prevention of the whole organism.
The testimonies from older inhabitants and public doctors who were conducting records of the health status of the inhabitants of Vinodol municipality, mentioning exactly the favorable geographic position of village Marusic (Little Paris) as the geographically most favored place of flow and mingling of the sea and mountain air that strongly favors patients problems with the respiratory system. This place is also referred by the empress Maria, who brought her children to the village Marušić on vacation, because they were suffering from asthma, so that during the holidays they could treat their respiratory difficulties.
Based on this historical records and testimonies, the relation between the organism and health is based on holistic approach to achieve a favorable balance between multidisciplinary factors such as balanced diet, physical activity, peaceful rural environment, noise and air pollution exclusion, social and spiritual programs and to move away from the state of the disease that today's way of life is getting closer and closer ...